Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Ng Eng Hen - Master Of Confusion?

In the recent debate in Parliament, the education minister quoted a load of statistics to defend the notion that social mobility is still a very much central tenet in our meritocratic system. Here are some examples that he quoted to answer the question about how are the children in the bottom one-third of the socio-economic background faring:-

"One in two scores in the top two-thirds at PSLE”
“One in six scores in the top one-third at PSLE”
"One in five scores in the top 30% at O and A levels… One in five goes to university and polys”

Is this kind of statistics convincing or confusing the issue? I would like to pose the following questions:-

1) Pls give statistics on the children coming from the top 10% of the socio-economic strata?

2) Pls give breakdown of statistics by timeframe as the socio-eonomic background has accentuated acutely over the last five years

3) Pls give the number of children coming from the bottom 20% of the socio-economic strata getting into RI, RGS, HCI, NYGS and ACS(I)

4) Pls give the number of children coming from the top 20% of the socio-economic strata getting into RI, RGS, HCI, NYGS and ACS(I)

5) Pls give the number of children coming from the bottom 20% of the socio-economic strata getting into medicine and law in NUS

6) Pls give the number of children coming from the top 20% of the socio-economic strata getting into medicine and law in NUS

My gut feeling tell me that you may be surprised and be less assuring if these figures are available to you.

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